Advantages of Using Micro Services over Monolithic Services
4 min readOct 22, 2021

Traditionally used Monolithic Architecture

Monolithic architecture is the most common type of backend architecture in use today. It is characterized by an all-in-one design that features a single system for all aspects of the software.

Monolithic systems are limited in scope and require more effort to be developed, maintained, and upgraded. They are also prone to catastrophic failures because they are often one giant heap of code.

Monolithic backend architecture is a design pattern where the frontend and backend code share the same language and codebase. It’s easy to build and maintain since there is less effort required — but it also comes with its own set of drawbacks.

Photo by Ron Lach from Pexels

There are three negative impact of monolithic backend architectures:

1) It’s hard to scale out, as adding additional servers requires rewriting the whole software.

2) The complexity of the software increases because of the shared language, making it harder for developers to modularize their software or debug bugs.

3) Monolithic backends greatly increase the risk of security attacks since they contain all necessary components needed to conduct a successful exploit.

What is Microservices?

Microservices architecture is a software architectural style that was introduced by Netflix. The microservice architectural style differs from monolithic architecture in the sense that there are no larger, single programs that encompass all functionality. Microservices allow for more modularity and flexibility of each service, leading to overall improved system design.

Photo by Ksenia Chernaya from Pexels

Microservices are often used to break up large programs into smaller pieces, which can be easier to manage and maintain. The benefits of the approach include increased scalability, independence between services, and more rapid innovation. Microservices allow teams to focus on different aspects of their products more than what is traditionally possible with monolithic applications.

One of the main reasons why microservices has become one of the most popular architectures for today’s companies is because it allows developers to build features that are connected

The key benefits of adopting this architecture are:


Microservices can be scaled independently and independently deployed without changing the whole solution. This makes it easier to add or remove functionality on demand rather than requiring a complete overhaul.


A major benefit of a microservice architecture is that it allows for greater flexibility in adapting to changes in business needs. It helps organizations adapt faster and build things quicker, while at the same time allowing them to maintain control over their code base.

The major advantages of using Microservices architecture are summarized below:

  1. Performance : Microservices minimized latency in communication between services by utilizing event-driven architecture where each service talks only when needed.
  2. Reduced Deployment :Reduced deployment time as it give a flexibility to add or remove the services as required without disturbing the setup
  3. Rapid prototyping: Developers make prototypes for new application or product features in order to test how they work before investing time in building them for real use cases

This pattern has been used by companies such as Netflix, Uber, PayPal and Amazon Web Services (AWS).​

Python role in Development

Python is a high-level programming language that is commonly used to develop web applications. Python is similar to other programming languages like Java, C, and C++.

Python is a programming language that has become increasingly popular in the backend development. Python is used for back-end development because it can be portable and has a wide range of libraries.

With Python, you don’t need to worry about the language getting obsolete anytime soon. This programing language is constantly evolving with new methods of data science making it easier for developers to build innovative technologies. — Python Programming for kids

CodeGeeko is a company that teaches Artificial Intelligence to kids in Python programming. They have designed this program for kids aged between 8–14 years so they can have the necessary skillset to be able to code. This program has been designed in collaboration with professional programmers so it focuses on teaching children the basic skillset required for future careers in coding. The way CodeGeeko works is by teaching kids about Artificial Intelligence and how it’s used in the real world, and then teaching them how to code using Python programming languages. (

