The Importance of Building Confidence in Kids with Life Skills
5 min readOct 16, 2021


Building confidence in kids — Quick Tips for parents

It is important to build your child’s self-esteem and confidence when they are young. In this article, we will show you how to motivate your child, build their esteem and make them feel confident in themselves.

Building confidence in teenagers can be done by using practical ways to help them feel better about themselves. Such as expressing appreciation for the things that teenagers are able to do, or making a list of compliments that have been given by other people. It could also be boosting their self-esteem by engaging in activities that make them happy while also making it clear that you are proud of them.

A lot of children end up with low self-esteem because their parents set too high of expectations for them. Parents should instead set expectations at their level so that the child feels capable and supported by the parent.

Photo by Marta Wave from Pexels

High-level view on the approach

1. Creating Trust

The first step to building confidence in teenagers is to show them that their feelings are valid. This needs to be done by adults who are close to the teenagers and who they trust.

2. Encouraging

Photo by Tatiana Syrikova from Pexels

Teenagers need to be encouraged and offered support so that they can feel better about themselves and start taking steps towards bettering themselves. This may involve discussing with a professional if necessary, such as a counsellor or psychologist, which will give the teenager someone to talk openly with.

3. Guiding Continuously

Teenagers may find it difficult to build confidence if they do not have someone guiding them along the way. If they do not know what is expected of them or how this will benefit them, then they will struggle more than necessary. It is important for adults in charge of teenagers’ lives to provide guidance and encouragement for them so that they can build

4. Allowing to make Mistakes

In order to build confidence in children, it is vital for parents to provide a supportive environment when the kids succeed or fail. This might be a time when they grow or a time when they falter, but it is important that the parent is always there to support them.

5. Communication

It is important for teenagers to communicate with people outside of their family, both verbally and online. This will allow them the opportunity to express themselves, gain valuable life skills, and explore who they are as individuals.

6. Teach them Giving

Giving is a great quality that teenagers can benefit from. When they give, they learn to understand people better and how they work. They will be more confident as they will know more about themselves and others as well as what is happening around them.​It is important for teens to take small steps when giving so that they are not overwhelmed or disappointed. They should take care of their needs first so that giving does not become an act of self-sacrifice.

7. Teaching Empathy

In a world where teenagers are made to feel inferior due to their differences, empathy is the best way to build confidence. Empathy is being able to understand someone else and share an understanding of their feelings and thoughts. It helps people identify with others and builds a sense of confidence in teenagers

8. Being Ethical

Many children grow up without learning how to be ethical. They do not understand that there are consequences for their actions and they don’t always make the best choices. But where does this lack of understanding come from? And why aren’t adults teaching them to be ethical? Moral development in children is the result of their upbringing and social interactions, as well as their exposure to different environments and experiences. This is important because it means that we can influence a child’s moral development by providing them with the right environment and social interactions. A lot of adults believe that it is not their job to teach children about ethics, but they are wrong. Adults need to start talking with their children more about right and wrong behaviours so that they can pass on these values.

9. Teaching to Help Others

Children are naturally altruistic and want to help others. It is obvious when a child helps another in need, but it is also important to teach children the importance of helping others in a more intentional way.

We can promote altruistic behaviours by teaching children how to be good helpers, modelling kindness in the home and at school, encouraging children’s generosity and empathy, and involving them in service projects. The purpose of this activity is to teach children the importance of helping others.

10. Being Resilient

In order to be resilient, children must have a stable and happy environment. They should be encouraged to take risks and to develop self-efficacy. It is important that parents teach their children resilience skills from a young age. They need to be able to cope with adverse situations, failure, and disappointment. Resilience can also be taught through sports and other physical activities.

There are 5 tools that can help parents teach their children resilience:

  1. Time outs,
  2. Difficult conversations,
  3. Playtime,
  4. Keeping routines as consistent as possible
  5. Developing self-efficacy.

Time outs should not be used as a punishment but rather as a calming technique that enables the child to learn how to calm themselves down when they feel angry or frustrated.

Coding Role in building Life skills

Coding is a life skill. It teaches you lessons that are applicable in all aspects of life. While many people see coding as a tool to make or improve software, it can also be seen as a tool for learning how to think about problems and finding solutions with technology.

Programming promotes the ability to take on new challenges, learn from mistakes, and be persistent when solving problems. Learning how things work helps you understand the world around you better too. It also teaches people how to become self-sufficient learners who can work independently or on teams to create products. And of course, coding can help you get ready for college or careers in STEM fields later on in life.

Codegeeko and Life Skills

CodeGeeko is an organization that focuses on teaching life skills through programming to kids from 8yrs to 14yrs with the help of live teaching and a curated curriculum. It believes that knowledge, skills and curiosity are the three most important things in life.

The content for CodeGeeko is curated by teachers with PhDs and masters degrees in education, computer science, books publishing and so on. They teach coding, AI, programming languages using Python and Java​



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Coding for kids with Life Lessons

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